This is Why I Hate Doing Laundry

Why is doing the laundry so miserable?

Because it’s not just one thing. It’s a bunch of things – all of which are miserable. 

There’s washing, hanging, drying, sorting, ironing, folding. 

And then sure enough, you still lose a sock. 


So why do we do it? 

Because deep down – doing the laundry is purposeful. 

It’s worth it for the clean clothes to wear. 

It’s a metaphor for life. 

Much of life is miserable. 

But if there’s purpose, that makes all the difference. 

But we can only have purpose in life if we know why we’re here. 

That’s why God sent us his Son Jesus. So that we can know God personally and know the reason why we’re here. 

Suddenly life will be purposeful. Everything we do makes a difference. 

I just wish Jesus could also help us find that sock.

Ephesians 1:9

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