Never Have I Ever: Or Why Your Asian Aunties are Wrong!

The Netflix comedy “Never Have I Ever” explains what is an “auntie” in the Asian culture:

“Aunties are older women who have no blood relationship to you, but are allowed to have opinions about your life and all your short comings"

In the Asian culture, we call anyone older than us –  “auntie” or “uncle”.

We can’t call them Mrs or Mr because that’s too formal. But we can’t call them by their first names because that’s too informal.

But this is what makes the God of the Bible so unique.

God gives us his formal name – YHWH – but he also gives us his informal name – “dad”.

Just like Asian aunties, God also has opinions about our short-comings. But unlike Asian aunties, God forgives our shortcomings and makes us his daughters and sons. 

We have a blood relationship with the God of this Universe because Jesus literally shed his blood to make this happen.

But you’re still going to need to go to med school and own two Mercedes to impress you Asian aunties.


1 John 3:1-3
Galatians 4:6-7
Romans 8:14-17

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